Dissecting the process of our inner dichotomy is a story that needs to be told. Talia creates through the lens of a queer woman of colour navigating her twenties, existing in spaces such as Central Saint Martins but finding her true home in a block of flats in Tottenham. In addition to her exploration of art-house film, she has worked closely with Charles Jeffrey, Obongjayar, Cruel Santino, Samesuch, Nike and Keep Hush. As well as making music performing at the likes of Roundhouse, 100 Club, Tate Late, PxssyPalace and more. Alive in an illusion, we always give our thoughts the weight of saints. The greatest tricksters turn the cogs of what they thing we know, so we grow prone to puzzling pieces. Her art is the staging of this beneath reality. A staircase which neither goes up nor down but leads you to an emotionally charged, psychological sewer of 10,000 clashing thoughts which spiral into heterogeneous images. Scenes in motion exist just as boisterous in still image. Scenes in motion deliberately strike uneven; a trick to the eye; a poetic happening.